Classes and Other Activities for the Whole Family Begin at 6:30 PM

Wednesday Night Connect Classes

*New Session Begins on January 8th

I Surrender All (Ladies)

Led by Denise Eady & Tiffany Arnold | Book: $10 | Room A221

From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple. Because there is a difference. Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice. The choice that changes everything. This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.

1st, 2nd, 3rd John (Co-ed)

Led by Bob Carrow | No Cost | Room A114

The three books of John stresses the importance of “True Christianity” in knowledge and in our daily walk-of-life. In his three books, the Holy Spirit has led John to center on the themes of truth, eternal life, fellowship with God and man, maintaining fellowship, dealing with the World lies when a Christian does sin, righteousness, remaining in Christ, love of God and man, effective prayer, and other foundational beliefs to know and live out. This class is co-ed, for all ages, and encourages discussion/interaction.

Open Your Bible (Ladies)

Led by Leia Hunley | Book: $18 | Room A230

We’re all longing to hear from God, aching to know who He is and know His heart. The beautiful truth is this—we can encounter the living God today in the pages of His Word. The Bible is for you and for now. Whether you already open your Bible every day, have never read it before, or struggle to keep up with studying Scripture, Open Your Bible, a 7-session study from the women behind She Reads Truth, will leave you with a greater appreciation for the Word of God, a deeper understanding of its authority, and a stronger desire to truly know the Bible inside and out. You will learn practical ways to read, study, and apply Scripture with confidence. Using Scripture itself, powerful storytelling, and real-life examples, Open Your Bible will quench a thirst you might not even know you have—one that can only be satisfied by God’s Word.

Book of Matthew (Co-ed)

Led by Tim Estrem | No Cost | Room A219

Verse by verse look at the book of Matthew.

Men’s Bible Study

Led by Matt Mundok | No Cost | Room A218

For men of all ages. The Bible is used as they go through and study God’s Word together.


Griefshare (Co-ed)

Led by Jan McBrayer | Study Guide: $20 | Room A122

 It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.

This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.   GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. 

Other Weekday Morning Connect Group Classes

Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study

Led by Lisa Bryant | Room A122 @ 10:00am

Wednesday Morning Senior Adult Bible Study

Led by Vernon Ritchie | Room A120 @ 9:30am